Shrove Tuesday

美 [ˌʃroʊv ˈtuːzdeɪ]英 [ˌʃrəʊv ˈtjuːzdeɪ]
  • n.忏悔日(基督教大斋期的前一天)
Shrove TuesdayShrove Tuesday


U C忏悔日(基督教大斋期的前一天)
(in the Christian Church) the day before the beginning of Lent

see also Ash Wednesday

Shrove Tuesday


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 忏悔星期二(基督教大斋期首日的前一天,人们按照传统会吃薄饼)
    Shrove Tuesday is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. People traditionally eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.

  1. Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Day are not so well known in the United States .


  2. It is also called Shrove Tuesday .


  3. World Earth Day & Shrove Tuesday of the Human Beings to Earth Mother


  4. At Olney , a small town in England , Shrove Tuesday is Pancake Race Day .


  5. Doughnut traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday .


  6. In 1660 , on the day before Shrove Tuesday , the practice was banned in Bristol . The next day , a riot broke out .


  7. Now , we note this detail , for the pure satisfaction of being exact , it chanced that the16th fell on Shrove Tuesday .


  8. It 's a fact , a real thing , an impending event like Shrove Tuesday , X ' mas Day , or the Lord Mayor 's Banquet .


  9. Jelly-filled doughnuts ( with no doughnut hole ) originated in Germany , where they were traditionally eaten to celebrate New Year 's Eve and the carnival days before Lent ( Rose Monday and Shrove Tuesday ) .


  10. All I am thinking about is " I am going home ! I am going to see her ! " It 's a fact , a real thing , an impending event like Shrove Tuesday , Christmas Day , or the Lord Mayor 's Banquet .


  11. On a surprise visit to Belfast , both Prince William and Kate attempted the difficult flip for a charity fundraiser to mark Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day . William tossed his pancake with aplomb leaving Kate under pressure to perform .


  12. From one Shrove Tuesday to another , much may occur to weigh down the heart ; it is the reckoning of a whole year ; much may be forgotten , sins against heaven in word and thought , sins against our neighbor , and against our own conscience .
